ESL Tutoring Jobs from Home
Berlitz – Berlitz, a large company with more than 550 locations in 70 countries, offers a variety of individual language classes and children programs. The pay is around $13 an hour for the ESL tutoring position. You must be a native English or French speaker. Most positions require a four year college degree and experience in the language you will teach. Teaching experience is not required but is preferred. job-code: 1383 Englishunt – This company was founded in 2000 in Korea and currently offers both live phone and video classes. A Teaching certification and a four year degree is required for most video programs, however a teacher certificate is not needed for their phone English programs. Typically for the live video class, the students are young learners from kindergarten through high school. The typical students for live phone classes are adults. No teaching certificate is required to be an instructor for the phone classes. job-code: 1384 GoFluent – GoFluent is a company that also hires people for home based ESL tutoring. This company is limited to hiring in certain areas.You must work a minimum of 5 hours per day, Monday through Saturday.They are now seeking tutors who speak fluently in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Korean, or Portuguese, and also have excellent English. job-code: 1385 iSpeakuSpeak – iSpeakuSpeak is a company that offers English as a Secondary language to everyone worldwide. Typical students are adults who need to learn English for their careers. Trainers work from home teaching classes by phone and are provided with all materials that are needed. As far as scheduling, you may work up to 30 hours a week and choose the hours you prefer to work. Applicants must be native English speakers, understand the concept of IT technology, have educational experience, and possibly some business experience. job-code: 1386 Language Development System – Language Development Systems, started in 2005, is a way to teach English to international students online. All applicants must have a four year teaching degree or English degree preferred. Typical students are college students or professionals. job-code: 1387 If you are a person who loves language and helping others, the option of working from home as an ESL tutor can be the perfect home based job for you. Information: 1. Free Free referral . please leave a job code number or job title along with information. 2. Pro services Charges for enabling job referral services with advice to approach the the organisation. 5 $ U.S.D please leave job code number or job title along with information send via Paypal account: [email protected] 3. Premium referrals. Charges for enabling job referral, resume and cover letter services. 50$ U.S.D please leave a job code number or job title along with information. send via Paypal account: [email protected] 4. Advance referrals Charges for enabling job referral, resume and cover letter services including short listing and making sure you get through first phase and get first interaction with organisation (first round). 150$ U.S.D send via Paypal account: [email protected] Please send screen short or transaction details along with job-code. As soon as we get details, our professional team screen and make necessary changes and forward your application to the concern department in organisation. Our team will assist you with job-description and roles and responsibility and make sure you end up being successful. Our team successfully placed more that 20,000 employers with their dream positions. Read more at |